From simple care to complex questions about procedures, we hope this section makes you a healthier consumer.
Monday – Friday: 8am – 530pm*
Saturday: 9am – 5pm*
Sunday: Closed
* Accommodations can be made before
or after normal hours -IF- you cannot make it
during those times.
Oral cavity is a great place for certain species of bacteria like Streptococcus mutans, that thrive in dark damp places. These species of bacteria survive by digesting the sugar in the environment and producing lactic acid. The acid lowers pH of the oral cavity.
Enemal, the outer layer of the tooth. is mostly made up of Calcium and phosphate, which is one of the most common building blocks in your body. As your mouth gets more acidic, the acid pulls the phosphate away from the tooth, dissolving the bond between the two chemicals and causing breakdown of enamel and this process is called demineralization.
Extensive studies have been done on how fluoride prevents cavities from forming and how safe it is.
It is important to FDA and ADA approved products containing fluoride in order to minimize cavity.
In 1930s, researchers found that populations that lived in areas with water that naturally contain fluoride had lower incidents of fluoride.
Fluoride has been added to tap water since 1950s.
There has been extensive studies that are shown comparing incidences of cavities in communities that fluoridate water and those who do not.
If the level of consumption is in the range acceptable by ADA and FDA, fluoride has proven to be effective way to prevent dental problems.
Parents should, however, make sure that young children do not ingest dental products that are meant to be consumed such as toothpaste or mouth rinse.
Other popular frequently asked questions:
Cleaning and Prevention
Cosmetic Dentistry
Periodontal Disease
Dental Restorations
Oral Maxifollacial Surgery
Pediatric Dentistry